Creating a Wealth Mindset

Posted on October 01, 2010 by CJ Article Team

Creating a Wealth Mindset

When you consider the core reason why humans do anything, it comes down to two of our purest emotions. The strongest motivation is most commonly to Avoid Pain with a close second being to Gain Pleasure. What do I mean by that? Think of it this way, why do you get out of bed when the alarm [...]

The Wealth Dynamic Test

Posted on October 01, 2010 by CJ Article Team

The Wealth Dynamic Test

A test that sparks your enthusiasm for life. What is so special? Let me answer that with another question: When did you ever take a test that results in you GASPING for breath and saying “WHY NOW” “IF ONLY” Yes! all those years spent in unWANTED Careers, the square peg in a round hole syndrome. [...]

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