5 Tips to Keep IT Outsourcing on Track

Posted on March 19, 2012 by CJ Article Team

5 Tips to Keep IT Outsourcing on Track

It is not uncommon to any employee or employer that the trend for business to earn more profit and cut back on the expenses nowadays relies heavily on outsourcing. It’s no longer limited to Customer Service or Human Resource functions but even IT services are now being outsourced as well. IT outsourcing, especially in the [...]

Affiliate Marketing Outsourcing Plan

Posted on February 20, 2012 by CJ Article Team

Affiliate Marketing Outsourcing Plan

There are a number of good reasons why people are looking towards affiliate marketing as a means of procuring cash flow and wealth. The reason is that this method of cash generation has long since proven to be reliable and effective as many entrepreneurs have amassed significant income through the process. Does that mean you [...]

Article Marketing Outsourcing Tips

Posted on November 14, 2011 by CJ Article Team

Article Marketing Outsourcing Tips

What is the key to success with article marketing outsourcing? In my opinion, there are a few things you can do to improve your results. The purpose of this article is to share my favorite three outsourcing tips. But before we dive too deep into that, I want to review why you should consider outsourcing [...]

Is Crowdsourcing an Alternative to Outsourcing?

Posted on October 20, 2011 by CJ Article Team

Is Crowdsourcing an Alternative to Outsourcing?

The rise of the internet has made it possible for certain group like problem solvers to form an online community to share ideas and solutions, a great example of such community is Yahoo! Answers. With this kind of idea, where a group can collaborate on certain projects, crowdsourcing comes in. Crowdsourcing is defined by Wikipedia [...]

Odesk Outsourcing Tips

Posted on October 19, 2011 by CJ Article Team

Odesk Outsourcing Tips

Outsourcing is a must in our line of work, and the outsourcing site you choose to use can make a huge difference. Right now, one of my favourite services is Odesk. There are a number of reasons Odesk stands out among so many of these services. First, it allows a much greater degree of oversight. [...]

Effective Approach to Remote Web Development Projects

Posted on October 14, 2011 by CJ Article Team

Effective Approach to Remote Web Development Projects

Effective management of remote developers is not as easy as it may seem, especially if this is your first time working with remote employees. Generally, there are two pretty obvious solutions: either you hire a qualified project manager to do this for you, or you do it yourself. Each has its own pros and cons, [...]

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