The Spark of Life

Posted on August 23, 2011 by CJ Article Team

The Spark of Life

In the beginning, there was nothing. There was no life, only just inorganic material. From this material, there was a spark, and from this spark life was created. That spark was the Spark of Life. This is just one theory out of many on how life on Earth started. This is the theory that I [...]

My Passion, My Life

Posted on November 06, 2010 by CJ Article Team

My Passion, My Life

Every morning I excitedly get out of bed.  Just a few minutes of goals and visions for the day swirl in my head. No lingering for me, no alarm, no wishful notes too.  Just me in my night gown with no hat. I sit down to enter my dreams and what can notes.  In my [...]

How to Make Your Life Truly Beautiful!

Posted on November 04, 2010 by CJ Article Team

How to Make Your Life Truly Beautiful!

Your Life is beautiful. You are unique. Our world is wonderful because there is just ONE and only one YOU. You are a co-creator of our world! Therefore, even though they may never in this world meet with you, let your thoughts, words and actions motivate and inspire many to be a maven that lives [...]

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