Profiling Through Eight Characters

Posted on July 28, 2011 by CJ Article Team

Profiling Through Eight Characters

Personality profiling or performance profiling through tests like Jung-Myers-Briggs, DISC profile and the Keirsey Temperament Sorter, to name a few, is today de rigueur in many large corporations and multinationals. The idea behind such profiling tests is simple: Find out what the person is good at and get them into a job or position that [...]

If You Want to Be Your Own Boss, You Had Better Know Why

Posted on May 31, 2011 by CJ Article Team

If You Want to Be Your Own Boss, You Had Better Know Why

The media, be it television, newspapers or the internet is full of stories about the vast number of people becoming self-employed or starting Companies right now. The words “Be your own Boss” or “Sack your Boss”, are abundant. I started my first business back in 2004 and successfully grew it to $1 million turnover, with [...]

Wealth, Freedom and Success

Posted on May 26, 2011 by CJ Article Team

Wealth, Freedom and Success

Why is it that some people just seem to be able to generate wealth and have all the freedom and happiness you could ask for? Have you ever thought about it? I know you have, because if you are the sort of person who would read an article like this one you have asked yourself [...]

What’s Your Wealth Profile? – Wealth Dynamics in 10 min by Roger Hamilton

Posted on January 05, 2011 by CJ Article Team

What’s Your Wealth Profile? – Wealth Dynamics in 10 min by Roger Hamilton

OneLife’s Roger Hamilton reviews Wealth Dynamics in under 10min. The Wealth Dynamics Profiling system provides clarity on your path of least resistance to wealth creation. Through a profiling test it identifies your specific path to wealth. Wealth Dynamics is an evolution of Jungian psychometric testing into specific action & thinking dynamics that relates to [...]

Your Wealth Profile?

Posted on November 06, 2010 by CJ Article Team

Your Wealth Profile?

The best book I’ve read in a while is Roger Hamilton’sYour Life, Your Legacy. It reveals eight paths to wealth. Fascinating stuff. I devoured it on the flights to and from LA for the opening of the movie The Compass. You can’t get the book from Amazon so don’t even try. Instead, go to While there, take [...]

What is Wealth Dynamics?

Posted on November 06, 2010 by CJ Article Team

What is Wealth Dynamics?

Imagine knowing with absolute certainty what strategies are the best ones for YOU to choose to maximize your wealth creation potential. Well, now you can. “Wealth Dynamics” matches your personality, natural style and talents with each of the EIGHT ways to create wealth… so you can discover which path to wealth is the right ONE [...]

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