My Dream


Welcome to My Dream Page, glad you could make it. – :)

I have been a dreamer all of my life and will continue to dream and co create the future with amazing people from all over the world.

My dream is a simple dream. That dream is to give every single person that I connect with the Simple Steps, Tools and Resources to Inspire and motivate each other to be the very best that they were born to be and follow their very own Dream Destiny.

It is not about Survival of the Fittest for me but the way I see it is more the Revival of the Soul Test.

For far too long we have worked against each other in a competitive environment where we have become so disconnected to each other. The Problem we face currently is that we have forgotten about our true destiny and true selves.

My dream is to reconnect as many people with each other as possible and to help as many people laugh, smile and enjoy the new spiritual growth that is happening all around us now.

Life is all about having fun, connecting and
achieving your dreams and goals!!!

As a result of this simple philosophy, I have aligned all of my projects with the most pressing wants and needs of people today that I am connected with already. I want people to be happy, content and fulfilled.

You can view what some of my network think about my dreams here:

My goal is to introduce all of my life changing communities to the World in 2011. With the specific goal of rapidly advancing the education and connections of everyone involved in whatever Journey or Destination they choose.

I have created a Community for whatever you are passionate about and feel connected or drawn too.

You can view the ongoing progress of these Web Communities on my Dream Projects Page:

I am also looking for writers and contributors to get involved with any one of our Innovative communities and to share with others your Expertise, Dreams, Goals, Tools, Resources and Services.

If you would like to become a writer for any of our Web Communities, then please visit this page:

As you can see I like to Think Big and Dream Big. :)

It has taken me many thousands of hours and thousands of dollars to set up all of these Communities and Systems to be in Service to genuine people.

My dream therefore is to provide a quality service to as many people as I can and also to leave a lasting Legacy for the future of our Children and our Planet Earth.

I have plenty of energy and love to enjoy every minute of my life with friends and family…

I don’t look back coz that is not the direction I am heading…

I am an Internet Entrepreneur and looking forward to creating sustainable incomes for all walks of life on Earth…..

I really appreciate all of the friends and family that I have as they have all inspired me in some small way… And yes that means you too!!! xx

I hope you enjoy my journey and I am excited to be able to share them with you and in the process help you in some small or big way with your very own dreams.

We are All Connected

Thank you for visiting my Web Portal and sharing the simple things in life.


Get Motivated today and if you want to see change in your life or your circumstances then you have to.


Get Motivated today

Wishing you all the best on your Journey and looking forward to connecting with you to create some magic and synergy

Warmest Regards – :)

Clayton Johnston

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