JVIP – Joint Venture Investor Partner


Joint Venture Investor Partner

A JVIP is a Joint Venture between an individual or a business that would like to become an Angel Investor, Share Holder or Stake Holder in any number of the CJ Life Changing projects.

These projects can be viewed here:

We will also be creating new Projects and new JVIP Avenues throughout the year to cater to demand and interest from our Investor Partners.

The CJ group of Websites are Innovative and based on leaving a Legacy for a broad range of Products and services to become Leading Authority Websites Online year after year.

The CJ Projects are all based on providing exceptional value to their respective Laser Targeted Markets.

With Millions of Internet Users now hungry for Growth, Prosperity and Education online now, we have created projects that will cater to this growing demand year after year.

The Internet Community Portals we have created for each market will allow for substantial opportunities to build large responsive email lists, promote thousands of quality affiliate products and attract an avalanche of web traffic and customers daily.

These projects have potentially high end exponential returns on your investment and are now positioned to create up to 50% returns on your investment after a 12 month period.

All CJ Projects have taken hundreds of hours each to research, develop and implement already. All projects are in the Infant Stages and ready for Pre Launch and Global Launch.

All Potential Investors will have the opportunity to become a Silent partner or become directly involved in each project.

As such we tailor a plan to suit both the client and the CJ Team to be able to deliver top value and achieve the results that are agreed upon before any JVIP Commences.

The only requirements we ask you to have before approaching us for a JVIP is the following:

  1. Must be in position to Invest Money, Time, Services or Resources for the Project most suited to your Vision
  2. Must have a real passion for what it is you want to achieve
  3. Must be Heart Centred and Genuine with your Intentions
  4. Must be prepared and ready for Growth and Prosperity
  5. Must be open and willing to learn new ideas and concepts
  6. Must be prepared for Honest Assessments and Home Truth

We are dedicated to providing cutting edge solutions to in demand online products through Innovative and Exciting New Web Portals.

We are always happy to talk to any Potential Angel Investors who would be really happy to make a difference to the lives of many and in the process be part of something Long Term with Real Value and in High Demand Online.

It is our ultimate goal to maximise the ROI for all Angel Investors and to deal only with Investors of the Highest Integrity.

If you think that doing a JVIP with the CJ team is for you then please, proceed to the form below and fill out the details.

We are excited and look forward to connecting with you and seeing how we can create some magic together.

Best Wishes

Clayton Johnston

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