What Mike Koenigs and Traffic Geyser Can do for You

Posted on August 02, 2011 by CJ Article Team


Traffic GeyserSocial media is the way of the future on the internet. Many people would argue that it is already the way the internet works. Because there are a virtually unlimited number of places on the web for people to share their opinions and knowledge, many people are now relying on bloggers and Facebook friends for critical information instead of traditional information sources. If you are an internet marketer, this can be a good thing.

Traffic Geyser is a tool developed by Mike Koenigs and has been helping people dominate social media sites for almost 5 years. The tools and training offered in Traffic Geyser make it easy for anybody to create videos, podcasts, and articles that can be blasted all over the web. There are currently almost 100 different video, podcast, article, and blog sites that you can submit content to automatically.

Training programs like Main Street Marketing Machines have been created to help people build a business using the power of social media and Traffic Geyser. In these training classes, Mike and his staff teach students how to create complete internet marketing campaigns. In the case of Main Street Marketing Machines, they also taught students how to sell the services they teach to local clients in order to start building a long term business.

There is another wave of training coming from the Traffic Geyser team and it is called Social Media Marketing Machines. It promises to use the same great technology and training techniques that have made Traffic Geyser so successful for the last 5 years. If you want to learn more about Traffic Geyser or Social Media Marketing Machines, visit MoneyTreeMarketing.com. We have great content as well as reviews and recommendations for training programs from the biggest names in internet marketing including Mike Koenigs.

Whether you choose to invest in a training class or figure social media marketing out on your own, you owe it to your business to figure out a social media strategy.

by David Victor

David Victor is an avid internet marketer and maintains websites in multiple niches including internet marketing, health and fitness, and home businesses. If you want to learn more about Social Media Marketing or the Social Media Marketing Machines class, visit us our Money Tree Marketing website.

Posted by CJ Article Team

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