4 Awesome Ideas For Finding Inspiration

Posted on November 04, 2010 by CJ Article Team


I love how inspiration can strike me when I least expect it.

awesomeOn the other hand, I hate how I have to struggle to find inspiration when I need it. Finding inspiration may be easy for others, but if you find yourself constantly looking for it, then maybe it’s time you searched for it instead of waiting for it to come find you.

Here’s how:

1. P.E.P. People, Experiences, Places

These are my top 4 sources of inspiration, and these include but are not limited to:

a.) Nature
b.) Art (galleries, photos, sculpture, etc.) and writings (books, blogs, journals, magazines, etc.)
c.) Music and science
d.) Life impact, underdog stories

Meeting new people, seeing new places and basking in life’s experiences are the greatest sources of inspiration. It doesn’t always have to be some grand experience, nor a fabulous cross country trip or a famous person. You can get the most extraordinary stories from ordinary people and things, right?

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2. Solitude

While sharing your experience with others can also help you find more inspiration, so does solitude. Alone, you can focus your mind and body, which can allow you to tune in to your surroundings, your thoughts and your life.

What I really love about solitude is, it lets you notice some of the things that you would have missed if stuck in a busy, noisy environment. Solitude is also a place where we can find time for reflection and deep thinking so finding inspiration may just come when you’re relaxing your mind and sharpening your senses.

3. Role Models

We all have role models.

What does your role model do that make you look up to him or her so much? Is it their awesome ideas, how they handle a situation, the steps they take to overcome hardship, their ability to lead and accomplish great things?

Make sure your role models align with the areas in your life that you are passionate about, because it’s important to determine whether they are the source of inspiration that is most important to you right now.

Are they truly impacting you with inspiration that matters to you and not just because of their social influence?

4. Experience sharing

Finding inspiration becomes a lot easier when you are actually talking about it doing that and talking with other people. I believe that searching for inspiration can be a lot simpler when other people bring those stories to you directly in conversation.

Simply sharing one inspiring story with a friend can spark them to think of their own inspiring messages too. It builds a stronger relationship where you can continue to share the inspiration and drive each other to find more. Indeed, sharing stories of meaning and value are also a great way to discover new things and inspiration as well!


Do You Have Trouble Finding Inspiration? Elmar Sandyck Is An Expert Internet Marketer And You Can Get More Online Marketing Tips And Techniques By Visiting http://www.InternetMastermindStrategy.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Elmar_Sandyck

By Elmar Sandyck

Posted by CJ Article Team

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