Mastering Your Life Purpose

Posted on November 06, 2010 by CJ Article Team


fp6So many people wonder what their life purpose is. And no wonder, with so much bombarding our minds… it’s easy to forget that you really do have a purpose driven life.

So how to get back to your purpose and the roots of setting goals…

You need to set time aside regularly for personal reflection. This is the single biggest tip I can offer and probably the most neglected. I find the weekends to be my best time, but use whatever works best for you.

Initially, your life purpose may seem to be a little illusive, especially if you’ve been through hardships. They can really sabotage your progress.

So I recommend that you get up very early, before anyone else in the household once a week and evaluate your wants and needs.

It helps to give yourself a flexible time line in which to accomplish your specific goals, and as I go into more detail in later articles, you will learn my method for goal setting.

But for now, it’s important to wrap your mind around the big picture. Your life purpose is the thing that gives you energy and drives you. For me it is teaching, training, adding value to others.

If you can identify what gives you energy and makes you feel satisfied and fulfilled, you’re on the right path to finding your life purpose. So spend an hour this week and write down everything that comes to mind that you’ve ever done that gave you a deep sense of satisfaction.

You might be surprised. It might be a real eye opener to you…

Don’t let this just be a thought…really follow through. It’s simple but it works.

Do you have trouble sensing what your life purpose is? It’s not as hard to find as you might predict. For more great information check out

By Liz Harmon


Posted by CJ Article Team

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