Building Traffic and Revenue With Google FeedBurner

Posted on November 18, 2011 by CJ Article Team



Whether it your hobby site, your business portfolio or your online blogging business, there is all about traffic. Yes, without number of visitors, there is no meaning of how your website is, or how much important the information you are serving on your blog.

There have been so many traffic building tips discussed on many SEO blog and forums. But here I am going to share my own experience of building traffic with the FeedBurner tool owned by Google. This tool becomes must use for new bloggers who are seeing the dreams of building online money making business through their blog.

Before I explain the importance and usefulness of FeedBurner, let me tell you that what it is actually. FeedBurner is feed distribution service owned by Google and of course it’s free. You can move your blog feeds to FeedBurner and then take most of the benefits for your traffic building need to increase your online income revenue through your blog. FeedBurner offers many inbuilt benefits to optimize publicize and monetize your feed content for better exposure and compatibility to the world. Few of them, which I like most are discussed below.

1. Feed Stats Dashboard: Here you can see the detailed analysis of your feed distribution and reach. You can see the number of visits and clicks made by feed readers to read your content. You can not see these data when you are distributing your feeds directly from your site and you will never no how your feeds are performing to the world.

2. AdSense For Feeds: If you are an existing AdSense account holder, you can use this features to generate online income, revenue from your feed content. With this features you get double benefit form your feed, Traffic as well as AdSense income. AdSense ads are directly being displayed in your feed content it self.

3. Email Subscription: This feature can become alternate of paid email newsletter services like You can ask your visitors to subscribe to your feeds, and they will receive the latest updates from your blog directly to their inbox and also monetized with Google AdSense to improve revenue for your. This is once setup tool, feed distribution is managed by FeedBurner it self, you don’t need to worry about the broadcast emails and subscription verification etc. You can also see and download subscriber’s list from your FeedBurner account.

4. Optimize: This tools gives you much more control over your feed distribution. You can include interactivity like email, twit this, add to delicious and much more. You can use smart feed option to ensure maximum compatibility with feed readers. Link and photo splicer allows you to mix your feed, bookmarks from your social bookmarking accounts and photos from your photo sharing sites.

5. Publicize: Here you can do republication of your feed in HTML format on your other sites for better exposure. Feed you content automatically to social networks like twitter. Notify ping services about new updates on your blog. You can put feed animator banner and feed count button on your site to highlight your success to your visitors.

IF you have not moved your feed to FeedBurner yet, I will recommend you to forget all other work right now and instantly create your FeedBurner account, don’t forget to monetize it with your AdSense account.

Visit Search Engine Optimization Blog by SEO Experts to learn free SEO tactics and Rank well in Google.

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Posted by CJ Article Team

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