Daytime TV Marketing Secrets You Can Use to Hook ‘Em, Sink ‘Em and Keep Your Prospects Coming Back

Posted on October 24, 2011 by CJ Article Team


TV Marketing

If you’re annoyed, burnt out, on the verge of broke and tired of wasting cash on marketing that does nothing to bring in new business to your dealership, grab a cup of coffee and dedicate a couple of minutes of your time to learn some life changing, client attraction strategies as used by the big guys in Daytime TV.

Yet before you start rolling your eyes and thinking, “Come on, there’s nothing I could learn as a dealer by watching soaps!”… let me just ask you this one question:

Have you ever met a soap addict?

If not, bear with me for a moment while I paint a quick scene.

Soap addicts the people who don’t mind driving home so that they don’t miss the latest story line. They weep during a character’s funeral like they have lost a real friend. They scour the internet for spoilers and other recaps if God forbid they miss a show. There’s even a 24/7 network dedicated to soap addicts so they would be able to get their fix any time day or night. And think about switching networks? NEVER. These addicts are so loyal that crossing over to the other channel simply isn’t an option.

Pretty powerful stuff huh? If only you can duplicate that kind of client attraction and loyalty in your dealership…

Well wish no more because you CAN get your customer’s attention and keep it-even in a challenging financial system using some of the customer attraction strategies employed by the creatives and marketing geniuses of daytime TV.

Its just not enough for these guys to go in front of the clients every so often. No, you need to be ever present in their lives. You need to become a fixture.

This begs the question:

How do you do this– and do it fast in your own dealership this year?

The secret solution we are about to reveal allows you to accomplish constant, continual results, relationships and open dialogue with your leads and customers and in a way that they will actually enjoy.

With these auto marketing strategies, you’ll hook ‘em, sink ‘em and have them continuously coming back for more every time.
In fact, these strategies are so powerful that once you begin doing it… you will never be able to stop or your prospects and clientele might revolt.

No longer will you hope to be at the top of your prospective customer’s mind during their search for a new car-you’ll physically OWN their mind share….and they’ll love you for it.

It’s the same way daytime TV creates a loyal soap addict. You too could have loyal addicts of your store and personal brand.

Not to mention, this idea super charges social media, puts relationship building on steroids and gives you an instant unfair advantage above all your competitions.

Plus, when you implement this strategy, you will become an instant celebrity and everybody would know you exist. No more, “Trying to get your name out there.”

Jimmy Vee the nation’s leading experts on attracting customers and the co-authors of Gravitational Marketing: The Science of Attracting Customers. Get important automotive advertising tips for FREE by requesting their FREE video training called The New Rules Of Automotive Marketing created especially for Car Dealers and Managers by visiting

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Posted by CJ Article Team

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