My Passion

Posted on October 01, 2010 by CJ Article Team


Passion Goals Dreams

Carine and Steve

When I began my journey into adulthood, writing and musical theatre were my passion. I graduated college at 20 and became a newscaster at a radio station in a mid-sized market within a few months. The pay was very low, but the experience was what I was going for at the time. I spent my time doing many interviews with local heroes, city officials, creating public affairs programming, and I did the afternoon news. I loved being able to write, produce and be on-air talent. I felt a sense of wonder and awe that some people in the community actually recognized my voice!

Fast forward a couple of years: I fell in love at first sight with my husband and chose a life with him over a job offer of merit. We’ve had a wonderful life together, and I don’t regret having made that right, instead of left turn. We have two amazing adult children who have given us much joy. As a couple, we are still very much in love and supportive of each other. In fact, it was my husband who encouraged me to try and get back into some form of journalism.

When our children were young, I taught school, in one form or another. Teaching various age groups from birth through high school was more than satisfying. There is nothing as heartwarming as watching a child be thrilled about something you’ve taught them to do and then gush about it to their parents.

During those years, I began to suffer from severe pain; trying to run a private pre-school and day care became unbearable. Then the news came that my aches and pains were more than just overwork and stress. I had rheumatoid arthritis. Thanks to some powerful modern drugs, I am able to function at what most people would call a remarkable level. But, I did have to shut down my pre-school and turn my life around.

My decision turned out to be a wonderful thing! Although I have to have a day job (selling high end plumbing), most of time, I’ve gone back to writing! My motto has become “nothing is too small to write and submit!” I’ve had mainly recipes with their accompanying blurbs published, but they’ve been in major magazines. As well, I’ve been lucky enough to be part of two major articles in women’s publications. I just submitted an article ( to a women’s website? magazine?), and my writing co-horts told me during previews that it was a wonderful piece of journalism. I’ve since started my own blog, and many people tell me that they can hardly wait to see what I conjure up next!

Although I’ve done many things in my life, next to my very supportive husband, writing has always been my passion. My dream is to follow that passion and have enough free-lance writing to be a full-time writer. Will it happen? For now it’s a dream, but how many of us know what our future will bring?

Posted by CJ Article Team

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